WHAT is the Care Catalog?
The Care Catalog is an online, crowdfunding campaign to support nonprofit work in and around the communities of Westmoreland, St. George, Onaga, and St. Marys during the holiday season. This annual campaign is meant to connect donors to nonprofits who are looking for end-of-year funding to reach their project or program goals.
The 2021 Care Catalog will primarily be a live online process with lots of fun incentives and will run November 18 to December 9. Paper copies of the Care Catalog will be available for reference, but of course, these cannot keep up with the live online version of the Catalog.
Thank you to everyone who has applied! Stay tuned for more details coming soon.
THANK YOU to our 2021 Care Catalog Sponsors!
John and Paulette Simecka

Participate as a Donor
Access the Care Catalog online at ccfks.org November 18th through December 9th
Shop the list of projects and give to one or more nonprofits easily
Each organization is requesting funding for a specific project, program, or organizational need
All participating charities are located in the Onaga, St. Marys, Westmoreland, or St. George area
Click the DONATE button to support the nonprofit(s) of your choosing. Donations are via PayPal.
You may donate as many times as you wish to as many projects as you choose
Minimum donation is $10.00
The amount requested will be capped at $10,000. Once a project is fully funded it will remain on the catalog, but the donate button will be unavailable. Donors will still be able to click your website link, if they would like to.
We will tally funding progress per project and update online daily. If a project is inadvertently over-funded, the excess will be donated to the Caring Community Foundation Community Fund.
We absorb the credit card fees, so 100% of your donation directly supports the nonprofits.
Join in the fun of incentive days!
Donors will be listed by name or as anonymous, donor’s choice.
If online access is not your choice, checks may be made out to the Caring Community Foundation with the nonprofit you want to support in the memo line and sent to the CCF at P.O. Box 54, 307 Leonard St., Onaga, KS 66521.
Tax Deduction
Your donations are tax deductible. We will email you confirmation and a tax receipt for your gift. We will share your contact information with the organization(s) you support, so they can send you their thanks. If you do not wish to have your information shared, you can chose to be anonymous. The nonprofits will not receive your donation information until the end of the campaign, so thank you’s may be delayed.
Why are we doing this?
As a community foundation serving this area of Northeast Kansas, the Caring Community Foundation seeks to encourage philanthropy in our communities and celebrate the nonprofits doing important work every day. We want to:
- Celebrate our communities’ spirit of giving
- Generate awareness of the many services our nonprofit community provides
- Raise money for the nonprofits serving our communities
- Offer a central location for donors to view nonprofits’ end-of-year needs
- Have some fun while doing good!
Caring Community Foundation Care Catalog Incentive Days!
Thursday, November 18th
Share a picture of you and your team with a CCF Care Catalog sign on our Facebook page for a chance to win $500 for the Care Catalog project of your choice.
FUNDAY MONDAYS: November 22 and 29 and December 6
Make a donation of $10 or more on a Monday, “Funday Monday”, and be entered into a drawing for a chance to win $500 for the Care Catalog project of your choice. There are three Mondays during the campaign: November 22 and 29 and December 6.
Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 25th
Comment about what you are thankful for, on our Facebook page on Thanksgiving Day. One person who does so will win $500 for the project of their choice.
Giving Tuesday, November 30th
Answer a philanthropy trivia question on Facebook on Giving Tuesday for a chance to win $500 for a Care Catalog project.
Friday, December 3rd
Ugly Sweater Contest – post a picture on our Facebook page of your team in Christmas sweaters with a Care Catalog sign for a chance to win $500 for the Care Catalog project of your choice.
Thursday, December 9th
Share on our Facebook page, what your wish is for 2022 for a chance to win $500 for the Care Catalog project of your choice.
*All incentive winners will be posted the next day.