About the Bruce Wayne Stallard Scholarship
Bruce Wayne Stallard, a graduate of Onaga High School and a music major at the University of Kansas, was killed Easter morning 1985 by a drunk driver. It is through this scholarship that the Stallard family honors his life.
The Bruce Wayne Stallard Scholarship Selection Committee is pleased that you have chosen to fill out our application. This scholarship is for $1200 of annual tuition reimbursement ($600 per semester) and can be received for a total of eight semesters within a four-year period if all requirements are met each semester. This makes it a total scholarship of up to $4800.
About Your Application
Applications are available from the USD 322 school counselor, Paul Polk; contact polkp@usd322.org. You can also apply here.
To be seriously considered for this award please consider the following:
- Your Application MUST be neatly printed or typed. It should also be complete. If there is a section that does not apply to you, don’t leave it blank—instead please indicate “N/A”.
- Experiences with community service—even small acts of service—are important differentiators in competitive scholarships. We urge you to volunteer for at least 10 hours to help your community, church, school or neighbors so that you have this experience as a qualified applicant.
- The musical arts were important to Bruce, the namesake of this scholarship. If this is an area of interest to you, please mention it, even if you do not intend to make it your major course of study.
- Proofread your application—is it spelled correctly and free of grammatical errors?
- Make a duplicate copy of your application.
- Don’t forget your letters of recommendation.
- Do you have a copy of your transcript included with your application?
About the Terms and Conditions of this Scholarship
Recipients of the Bruce Wayne Stallard Scholarship award will receive up to $600 per semester or $1200 per year in reimbursement of funds spent on college or post-secondary enrollment. Evidence of enrollment must be provided for funds to be awarded to the recipient. This scholarship may be renewed if funds are available, for a period of four consecutive years, upon proof of successful completion of two semesters of study resulting in a minimum of 12 hours per semester completed at a minimum grade point of 2.0. If a scholarship recipient suspends his or her post-secondary education, fails to maintain a 2.0 point cumulative grad average or is convicted of a DWI or DWAI, his or her eligibility is rescinded.
For more information contact Susie Kufahl, The Caring Community Foundation, skufahl@ccfks.org