Local Disaster Relief

As a public charity, The CCF works to improve the lives of people in our local communities. This includes financial resources to help individuals and families recover from community-wide emergencies and crises.

Pottawatomie County Fairgrounds Fund

Whether promoting 4-H, art, geology, livestock judging, baking, photography, rodeo, or something else…participants and supporters want the Pottawatomie County Fairgrounds to be functional, comfortable, safe, and secure. This fund helps with the upkeep this requires.

Westmoreland Parks and Community Fund

As the Westmoreland community continues to recover from the April 30 tornado, residents are coming together to bring new and enhanced recreation options for youth and families. The goal of raising $10,000 by July 5 was met and the...

St. Marys World War I Memorial Arch Fund

The Memorial Arch for World War I was dedicated in 1923 and has been a landmark in St. Marys, Pottawatomie County, Kansas for over 100 years. St. Mary’s College has begun the project of restoring and making the Arch...