June 20, 2019
Caring Community Foundation Grant for St. Marys WWI Memorial Arch
The Caring Community Foundation has awarded a $1000 grant to the St. Mary’s Academy and College to beautify the World War I Memorial Arch along Highway 24 in St. Marys. Professional landscaping by the College, mostly evergreens with some perennials, has created a beautiful tribute.
The Arch was originally dedicated in 1923 to St. Mary’s World War I soldiers. It has been an honored landmark since that time.
The Caring Community Foundation (CCF), a 501(c)(3) public charity, has been dedicated to communities in Pottawatomie County since 2015. The CCF has an annual grant cycle every summer. This grant was made possible, in part, by the support of Bluestem Electric Cooperative and CoBank.
In the photo: Susie Kufahl, Executive Director for the CCF and John Simecka, Board member for the CCF, present a check to Fr. Todd Anderson and Bill Drew, Facilities Director for the Academy.
The Caring Community Foundation can be reached at 307 Leonard Street, Box. 54, in Onaga or online at www.ccfks.org.
Susie Kufahl, Executive Director, Caring Community Foundation
307 Leonard Street, Onaga, KS 66521