The Care Catalog project of the Caring Community Foundation (CCF) was a success! As the end of 2021 approached, the CCF decided to extend their year-end appeal to area local non-profits as well.
“We knew there were many community non-profits who could better serve our communities with a little more help,” explained Jay Rezac, board president of the CCF, “this seemed like a good way to highlight those efforts and keep charity close to home.”
The Care Catalog is an online crowd funding event with lots of fun incentives. Sponsors paid for the incentives and covered credit card use fees, so 100% of donations went to the non-profits. Donations were also accepted by mail.
“We enjoyed this project and were happy to help sponsor it,” said Jim Moore, President of Farmers State Bank and a CCF board member, “we thank all the sponsors and donors who made this a success.”
Thirty-eight projects from St. Marys to Westmoreland to St. George to Onaga and nearby communities, covered community needs, education, sports, healthcare, senior citizens and basic human needs. Some projects were funded completely and almost all received some funding.
“$33,000 was raised for local charitable purposes,” CCF Director, Susie Kufahl, reported, “We saw a real spirit of giving, celebrating our local nonprofits who are hard at work every day in our communities. We intend this to be an annual event.”
We greatly appreciate our anonymous sponsor and these sponsors: