May 17, 2021
You can probably identify someone who has worked hard all their life. A special few of these people have the means and the mindset to create lasting impact for the future of their community.
Dale and Donald Krouse are two brothers who have done just that. Dale and Don farmed together near Westmoreland, Kansas for over 70 years. In addition to working hard and working smart, the brothers shared a commitment to the future of agriculture and to Rock Creek schools. They recognized local philanthropy as the perfect tool to utilize to continue their commitment into the future, far beyond their time on this earth. Before Don passed away in 2020, the brothers initiated their philanthropic efforts by establishing the Krouse Family Agricultural Scholarship for Rock Creek with the Caring Community Foundation. In 2021 Dale continued efforts to support Rock Creek by building and adding to endowments to support vocational agriculture projects, scholarship, and other needs of the school district.
Kevin Logan, Superintendent of Rock Creek, USD 323, explained Rock Creek’s gratitude this way: “‘Thank you, your generosity is greatly appreciated,’ and similar phrases have been shared with Dale Krouse over the past few weeks. However, those words do not convey a high enough level of appreciation for the learning opportunities he has granted to future Rock Creek students. The planned gift that Dale Krouse is providing for the USD 323 Endowment, and the future establishment of the Rock Creek Vocational Agriculture Endowment, will allow our students to have learning experiences far beyond what general school funding allows. These financial gifts, and the proceeds they generate in the future, will benefit our students and our community year after year.”
Ever humble and practical, speaking of his donations to Rock Creek and the Caring Community Foundation, Dale said with a grin, “they will have use for it; I won’t be needing it.”
“How do you thank someone who has made a lifelong commitment to hard work and puts nearly half a million dollars to work for their community, forever?” asked Susie Kufahl, Caring Community Foundation Director, “The “Thank you’s” will literally echo through hundreds and thousands of people across all time, as their endowed gifts will continue to give to their community forever. What foresight! What generosity! And what luck, that a few such good men, the Krouse brothers, have called Rock Creek and Westmoreland, Kansas, ‘home’.”